My littlest love in my life Sasha turned 6 on Mother's Day. She was born on Mother's Day too and truly was the best gift ever.
Today you:
*Love to suck your thumb when you are tired or need a calming moment, you do this while tapping the dirtiest, oldest, softest blankies on your forehead or arms.
*You draw and doodle on anything you can get your hands on, I'll look in my agenda and there is always a special little drawing.
*Little Pet Shops and Small animal figures are your "go to" toys.
*You love to use the words boobie, bum, bumbum, poo, booty a lot, and try to fit them into every sentence you use. (We are looking forward to this phase being over)
*You adore your brother and always want to play with him
*Except when you don't and you call him an "Idiot"
*You are really into hugs and kisses and love to give me and Daddy big juicy smooches
*You have a really lovely bond with Trixie, I'll often watch you sitting and snuggling with her and you are almost always whispering something to her.
*You LOVE Mango's. When you eat them they drip down your arms, you get juice on your face, you take no notice and you always have a smile on your face.
*You make up really silly accents.
*You can do up a good crazy face that always makes me laugh.
*You love to be "spooned" and tuck your feet between my knees.
*You gulp a tonne of water before bed.
*You have a stutter, especially when you have a lot to say.
*Sometimes it sounds like you have a "
New York" accent with certain words.
*You love to dress-up in animal costumes.
*You cry really loud when a sad song is on or there is a sad part in a movie or book.
*You like to play "Big Plant" and "Loco Coco" on your purple
*Getting dirty and messy is part of you, you never seem to notice or be bothered by dirt.
*You are a major bug collector.
*You have a purple
Norco two wheeler that you are still getting used to.
*You can run really fast. But when you are not running you can be very sloth like.
*You are a homebody.
*You don't like being cold.
*You love to tell jokes.
*You prefer to where
skinny jeans and tee shirts.
*You get really angry if I don't use the right brush.
*You are long and lean, pants never fit you in the waist.
*You love fruit and candy.
*You are the messiest eater I know.
*You have a kind heart.
*You are loved.
Have a lovely day,